Institutions will be temporarily closed starting from 20th March 2020 from mid-day as addressed by President Yoweri Museveni on Wednesday.
The closure is mainly an attempt to control the spread of the pandemic COVID-19, a disease caused by the coronavirus which is spreading fast in East Africa.
Despite having no confirmed case in Uganda, the President said that all the Primary and Secondary schools as well as all the Universities and Tertiary Institutions will be closed for one month.
“It is a smart way of avoiding these concentrations in the face of this danger. I have decided to close the Educational Institutions even before the occurrence of a single corona incident because I have observed the situation in other countries. '' He said.
Addressing the nation, Mr Museveni also said that cabinet under his chairmanship had suspended all public gatherings, sporting events, open-air religious meetings and all events that are of a huge public nature.
“Uganda style weddings that bring together a pentagon of groups. This multi-directional source of the embaga/ mikolo attendants can be a source of great danger. The weddings of this type should be postponed for 32 days from today.” He added.
During Museveni’s speech, he listed out guidelines that should be taken by all Ugandan to prevent the spread of the virus.
"Anybody with a cough or cold should not go into public space, you should self-isolate yourself. Even at home, cough into a handkerchief, which should be washed regularly and well-ironed - or use disposal tissue, which should be flushed." "Once you avoid open coughing and sneezing and you wash your hands regularly, then you will not contaminate surfaces, that way, the public will be protected,” said Museveni.
Regarding travels, Ugandans moving in and out of the country have been banned especially to and through countries that have suffered from the epidemic.
These countries include Italy, France, South Korea, China, USA, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Norway Austria, Malaysia, Pakistan and San Marino.