At the end of every school year, the media is full of advice for soon-to-be graduates looking forward to the excitement. The entertainment at the campus has been amazing; you’ve made lots of new, life-long friends, as well as preparing for and passing exams.
If you spend your entire life at campus blindfolded by the Campus buildings and books, adult life will shower down on you like a ton of bricks. To every fresh graduate banging their heads against the wall to answer this question, here are a few tips:
1. Give a piece of yourself in whatever you do.

In whatever you choose to do on a specific day, do it to the best of your ability and potential.
As a fresher in the ‘‘real-life’’ be enthusiastic in whatever task you are assigned because most times our performance at such tasks breeds bigger opportunities.
Wake up. Dress up. Show up. Step up. It doesn’t matter whether it’s your own hustle, a job, a family business, always show up, always step up, and always push forward.
2. Respect your first job however small it may be.

Don’t despise ‘little’ work. It’s time for the real toil and the world will only reward you for the sweat you put in.
At this stage, you are exchanging your time for cash which is only paid when work is done.
In most cases as per the average Ugandan university student, there’s a high chance you don’t have skills worth employing.
So if you have got an opportunity to be employed by someone, treat it as if it’s your only saviour.
3. Accumulate as much knowledge as possible in all sectors possible.

There is a lot of knowledge almost t everywhere. Learn various cognitive skills, consult people who have proficiency in the sector you have just joined.
These can be your bosses or supervisors. Attend conferences, seminars workshops whenever there’s an opportunity.
It helps to handle tough life challenges that are ahead of you. Challenging experiences, learn from them.
You need to build your skills to begin earning more, either through higher pay or diversified income.
4. Fortify yourself physiologically.

The world of work is pure anarchy characterized by hurt and discomfort. As you are working, some people will always disorganize you.
After leaving college, parents will let you fend for yourself. You will be on your own but when the bad days come, you need to be strong enough to handle and endure the mess.
5. Be Patient; there’s no quick money.

Genuine success takes time. The things you’re dreaming about now will not arrive in the next 5-10 years. Don’t chase instant wealth dreams.
Graduates want ‘Deals’ but such roads only lead to heartbreaks, lost money, broken families, and destroyed friendships.
True success is a product of continuous growth, skill development, and diligent work and patience.
6. Master money Discipline.

Forget about the spendthrift lifestyle of campus. Learn how to save from the first day. Without compromise, encourage yourself to save 20% off Every Single Payment you get.
Improvise and live on the 80% leftover. Gradually increase the percentages you save. Master this one discipline. Save. Save. Save.
7. Focus on you.

Stop comparing yourself to Celebrities and Influencers. While you’re wishful thinking, they’re grinding. Some of these celebrities work harder in 1 day than you’ll wish to work in 1 month.
The celebrities that you compare yourself to have worked a lot to attain the fame they have now. You will end up a frustrated youth because you have refused to be yourself.
8. Network.

College students suffer from an inferiority complex. They assume that nobody in “the real world” would be interested in their thoughts or talents.
In most cases, you’ll find that people are more than willing to lend a hand to an ambitious graduate. It feels good to know you’re helping someone set out on the right path.
Start making connections as early as you can. Email people in fields you’re interested in, even if only to say “I read your book and it really had an impact on me.
Join professional organizations – most offer low-priced student memberships – and attend conferences. Join or create groups on campus devoted to topics that interest you.