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Seven Benefits of Consuming Peanut Butter


Updated: Aug 23, 2020

A delicious spread of peanut butter on slices of brown bread, peanut butter, brown bread
A delicious spread of peanut butter on slices of bread

Peanut butter is a natural treasure that promotes many positive changes in one’s body.

It is full of useful vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and elements that your body just craves.

All you need to do is just enjoy it in moderation and you will see the results soon enough.

Peanut butter can be of benefit when people enjoy it as part of a balanced diet.

Peanut butter which may help protect the heart, manage blood sugar and body weight.

Peanut butter provides a good amount of protein, along with essential vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, and zinc.

However, when selecting a peanut butter product, look for one that contains just peanuts and few or no other ingredients.

Some peanut butter brands will contain other ingredients, such as sugar, salt, and added oils. Avoid these where possible, try adding a little honey to peanut butter dishes as a sweetener instead.

It is normal for pure peanut butter to separate into solid and liquid form. Stir the contents thoroughly, and the consistency will return to normal.

How much peanut butter do you eat?

1. It helps to reduce the chances of breast cancer

Natural proteins and fats in peanuts can significantly reduce the risk of breast diseases like cancer.

This was supported by a study that was done by the Breast Cancer Research Foundation and the U.S. National Institute of Health. Consumption of this product daily has a positive effect on your body and your breasts in particular.

Most importantly, eating peanut butter especially from a young age may reduce the risk of benign breast disease (BBD), which increases the risk of breast cancer.

A cropped picture of a white lady wearing a breast cancer ribbon, breast cancer ribbon, breast cancer, prevention of breast cancer
A cropped picture of a lady wearing a breast cancer ribbon

2. It boosts weight loss.

It turns out that peanut butter has been unfairly removed from many diet plans, as they consider it too fatty. Instead, peanut butter is a great source of protein, fibre, and nutrition.

It doesn’t change blood sugar levels and also provides your body with healthy elements. One can consume 2 tablespoons, 2 times per week which can lead to reduced weight gain.

This is mainly because peanuts improve satiety, which is the feeling of fullness, thanks to their protein, fat, and fibre content.

A lady checks her waistline with a measuring string, A white lady checks her waist size with a measuring string, weight loss, measuring tape, tape measure, Waistline, Toned Waist
A lady checks her waistline with a measuring string

3. It promotes brain activity and memory.

Vitamin E, zinc, magnesium, and niacin in peanuts support brain activity. Vitamin E is also able to boost memory, especially for older people.

A white boy learns on a computer, cognitive development, brain activity, early childhood development
A child learns on a computer

4. It controls your blood pressure

One more awesome property of potassium, it’s able to lower your blood pressure. This effect is supported with magnesium one more element that peanuts are rich with.

To make sure that it works for you, you need to look for an unsalted version of this product.

A man checking his blood pressure on a digital meter, blood pressure, controls blood pressure, sphygmomanometer, measuring blood pressure
A man checking his blood pressure on a digital meter

5. It’s good for pregnant mothers.

It seems like eating peanut butter during pregnancy can also have a positive effect on the baby. It’s possible that it can promote the fetus’s tolerance and help to protect it from nut allergies in utero.

A pregnant white woman tasted a scoop of peanut butter in her kitchen, good for pregnant women, pregnant woman, benefits of peanut butter
A pregnant white woman tasted a scoop of peanut butter in her kitchen

6. Peanut Butter Has the Good Fats

Peanut butter is also high with monounsaturated fat, which is good for the heart. Researchers say that insulin-resistant adults who ate a diet high in monounsaturated fat had less belly fat than people who ate more carbohydrates or saturated fat.

Peanuts contain high concentrations of poly-phenolic antioxidants, which reduce the risk of stomach cancer by reducing the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines.

An African model with a beautiful skin, African model, A portrait of a dark skinned model, black model
An African model with a beautifully toned body.

7. Peanut Butter Lets You Live Longer

Lastly, eating peanut butter can make you live longer and make your quality of life better. A 2015 Vanderbilt study found out that those who constantly eat nuts have a lower death risk in total.

Are there any scientific proofs? The abundance of protective nutrients naturally leads to healthier muscles and nerves. If it can lessen the risk of cardiovascular and mental diseases, then it can certainly stretch your lifespan too.

Peanut butter can protect older people from Alzheimer's disease is a progressive disorder that causes brain cells to waste away especially in older age.

A group of happy yet elderly people take a selfie, elderly white people, helps you live longer, senior citizens
A group of happy, health elderly people take a selfie

Do you enjoy eating peanut butter? What other sweet spreads are on your sweet-tooth list? Let’s share our preferences in the comment section.



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