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Rwanda registers the highest number of COVID-19 cause in East Africa

Updated: Aug 20, 2020

Coronavirus cases continue to rise in Rwanda despite the high levels of hygiene and public awareness, reports indicate that there is a crack in Rwanda's air transport lockdown.

The new cases include five travellers who arrived from Dubai, UAE but were isolated upon arrival, one traveller from the United States was also isolated upon arrival.

Another traveller from the Netherlands is said to have been in contact with a previously confirmed case.

Rwanda’s Coronavirus cases have risen 50 as of Thursday the highest in East Africa, according to the latest statistics from the Ministry of Health.

Kenya yesterday confirmed three new cases, bringing to 31 the total number of COVID-19 in the country. Uganda has 14 confirmed cases, Tanzania 13, while Burundi and South Sudan are have not registered any case.

Rwanda's health ministry affirmed that all cases have been quarantined and are under treatment.

President Paul Kagame administration continues to call for heightened vigilance and adherence to measures announced including the restriction of non-essential movement, the closing of non-essential businesses and suspension of travel between cities and districts.

“The cooperation of Rwandans and residents is greatly appreciated as are the efforts of those working hard in the health sector who continue to be supported and appropriately protected as they work to protect the health and safety of all of us,” the statement reads in part.

Globally, over 537,787 people have since been confirmed to be positive since the epidemic was first reported in Wuhan China province on 17th December 2019.

Over 124,564 have since recovered and been discharged. The mortality from the virus stands at over 24,145.

Yesterday, firefighters in China were seen jubilating as the country appeared to have contained the virus.

Out of 81,340 cases in China, 74,588 have recovered from #coronavirus and no new cases have been reported.

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