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If you see these signs, know that she is cheating on you


Updated: Aug 18, 2020

Partners disagree in a struggling relationship.
Partners disagree in a struggling relationship.

1. If she suddenly becomes too busy for you. Never gives you time, starts giving you excuses of being too busy to see you. This is a very good sign to show you that somebody else is taking her time.

2. If she stays distracted when around you, she never pays attention when around you. You never get a good conversation with her. Then know that her mind is probably thinking of somebody else.

3. If she doesn't comfortably answer her calls in your presence most especially when it's another guy calling, then she might be seeing that guy.

4. If she seems not interested in your plans or future If she starts giving you the attitude that shows that she is not interested in your plans.

If she doesn't urge you to get better or look good as she used to, then she might be into somebody else.

5. If she doesn't want anything intimate with you anymore. You find yourself trying to convince her to get really close to you, then she might be seeing someone else.

She would not suddenly lose interest in getting intimate with you If someone else is not on board.

6. If she doesn't hold your hand in public or touches you the way she used to. There are chances that she is seeing someone else and she wouldn't want him to see you two in such public show of affection.

7. If she suddenly starts dressing differently. Then there is someone she is trying to impress with her new style of dressing.

If she doesn't dress to impress you, then she is dressing to impress someone else.

8. If she gets mad at you easily with even little thing. If she gets angry when you ask of her whereabout then these are signs that she is seeing someone else.

9. If she gets nervous and always on the lookout when you hangout, then she is afraid of being bumped into by the other guy.

It doesn't feel comfortable when you guys go out and always in a hurry to go home, then she is being cautious of getting bumped into by another guy.

10. If she always protects her phone. If she doesn't want you to access her phone, then she is probably hiding something.

If she is rushing to hold her phone anytime you come close or always rushing to pick her phone first if it rings, then she is probably cheating on you.



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