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Kagame Critic Commits Suicide

Updated: Jul 18, 2020

Renown Rwanda gospel singer, songwriter, television presenter, genocide survivor, peace and reconciliation activist Kizito Mihigo is reported to have committed suicide.

Kizito was recently detained by Rwanda police when he tried to flee the country into Burundi.

According to Chimp Reports, in 2018, Kizito Mihigo was found guilty of conspiracy to murder or harm President Kagame. He was later pardoned by the president together with 2140 other convicts.

In 2014 he was prosecuted for producing and releasing a song critical of the ruling establishment, the song was banned on all local media.

In a statement, Rwanda police reported that the body of the singer was found hanging at around 5 am at Ramera Police Station.

The deceased started singing at the age of 9, later a Petit seminary in Butare, he rose to become the most popular organist and composer of the Catholic church in Rwanda.

He was a victim of the 1994 genocide that ravaged the country in 1994, he escaped to Burundi, where he met his surviving family members.

He returned to the country at the end of the genocide to join the seminary, through faith, love and a Christian calling, he forgave those who killed his father.

Gifted and talented Mihigo dedicated this powerful song to the Rwandan Diaspora in 2011.

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